Its really ours.

When I first came up with the idea to do this blog I had thought things would have moved along a bit more by now.  We closed on the land yesterday and began the construction process today.  Our construction process includes clearing out about 800 feet of thick trees and tall grass just to make a path for the driveway.  This big guy here did just that in about 4 hours.  Add an hour more to that and the area for the house was cleared too!  To finally see such progress was a breath of fresh air.

The trees behind this tree with the string is where our house will sit.

Love the feeling of these flowers....

My little buddy that I went to kick out of the way today...only to realize it was not a twisted tree root but what looks like a Copperhead.  Yikes...nothing says "welcome to the country" like a good 'ol poisonous snake!

And the house site.  The kids loved watching the bulldozer knock over some of the trees.  We kept as much as we possibly could.  The only trees we knocked down were mainly locust and mesquites.  Everything else we worked around.

And final thought for the day.  This little girl right here and her horses have truly guided our decisions.  I am so thankful that when we were at a crossroads of what we envisioned for our living (city or country) she spoke up.  I believe without a doubt that a love for animals lives inside you from birth.    

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